Many people struggle with their personal finances, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Having the proper budgeting tools can make a big difference in how good you are at managing your money. A budgeting app is a great way to stay on top of things, and luckily there are plenty of great ones out there. Here are a few apps that are highly useful for those looking to improve their personal financial situation. PocketGuard This budgeting app is great for helping you stay on top of your expenses and track your spending. It has a very simple user interface and an easy-to-read pie chart that shows you where your money is going each month. One of the nicer features it offers is showing you how much spending money you have available. Personal Capital If you’re into investing, then Personal Capital might be the right budgeting app for you. This app offers a financial dashboard that helps you get your budget under control, but it also has retirement planning and investment featur...