Entering your 20s is one of the first times that most people have to start looking at their finances seriously. The adult world comes fast and when you get out of college or enter the workforce, it can be pretty hard to get a handle on everything you're supposed to be doing. With bills, student loans, and more, one of the last things people this age are thinking about is saving for retirement. After all, isn’t retirement a long ways away? Well, that all depends on when you’re planning on retiring and how much you’re able to stow away. In this blog, we’ll break down how you can start planning for retirement while you’re in your 20s, and suggest the best personal finance app to help you do it. Start Saving Early The earlier you can start saving for retirement the better. If you start putting away money in your 20s, you’ll be well on your way to retiring on time and maybe even early. A good rule of thumb is putting about 10% of your income away for retirement when you’...